Free Sharing CertBus Updated Cisco 648-385 VCE and PDF Exam Practice Materials

This dump is 100% valid to pass Cisco Cisco Express Foundation Field Specialist 648-385 exam. The only tips is please do not just memorize the questions and answers, you need to get through understanding of it because the question changed a little in the real exam. Follow the instructions in the CertBus Cisco Express Foundation Field Specialist 648-385 CXFF-Cisco Express Foundation for Field Engineers PDF and VCEs. All CertBus materials will help you pass your Cisco Cisco Express Foundation Field Specialist exam successfully.

We CertBus has our own expert team. They selected and published the latest 648-385 preparation materials from Cisco Official Exam-Center:


Which two of the following statements correctly describe Cisco IOS Software? (Choose two.)?

A. A universal Cisco IOS image includes all software features; additional software features are

then activated by license keys without changing Cisco IOS.?

B. In order to obtain a license file, the product ID and serial number of the device are sent to the

representative Cisco Channel Partner, along with the purchased product activation key.

C. Cisco IOS 15 is available in two trains: T, which includes bug fixes and new features, and M,

which includes bug fixes only.?

D. The Cisco ASR 1000 series features IOS-XE, a software architecture that consists of a platform

component, IOS-XE middleware, and the actual Cisco IOS software.?

Answer: A,D



Which two examples best describe the challenges that customers face in networks of today?

(Choose two.)


A. How can we effectively support extensive collaboration requirements, including video?

B. How do we control energy consumption of devices that are owned by employees?

C. Which type of firewall should we deploy?

D. Do we need to invest in the BYOD solution?

E. How can we disable users from using their own devices?

Answer: A,D



Which three of the following are major trends that fuel the demand for routing and switching?

(Choose three.)

A. Mobility

B. Video

C. Bandwidth optimization

D. Cloud

E. IT standardization

Answer: A,B,D



Which two statements about CVD and SBA are true? (Choose two.)

A. SBA guides are available for enterprise deployments only.

B. CVD includes everything from rough designs to tested versions of software code.

C. Gold partners have access to a demo lab for each validated design.

D. CVD is technology-oriented, while SBA is market- and solution-oriented.

Answer: B,D




Which two of the following are unique advantages of the PD/PSE Cisco Catalyst Compact

Switches? (Choose two.)

A. Due to the fanless design, they can be placed in the workplace and drastically reduce in-house

cabling needs.?

B. They support 16 PoE output ports.?

C. They support PoE output.?

D. They diminish the power infrastructure by supporting PoE input and PoE output at the same


Answer: A,D




Which two questions should you ask when assessing an organization\’s security needs? (Choose


A. Are you exploring new cloud business models?

B. Are you enforcing the same security policies consistently across your organization?

C. Are you using the latest hardware and software versions for your security devices?

D. Are you using single-vendor security equipment?

E. What are the operating hours of your security response team?

Answer: A,B



Which two statements are true about CVD and SBA? (Choose two.)?

A. The SBA toolset includes Partner Enablement Assets and EcoPartner Guides.

B. SBA guides are available for enterprise deployments only.

C. CVDs are end-to-end designs which are well-tested and fully documented.

D. Gold partners have access to a demo lab for each validated design.

Answer: A,C



Which three of the following statements correctly describe switching? (Choose three.)

A. A Layer 2 switch operates up to the data link layer of the OSI network model.?

B. A Layer 3 switch operates up to the transport layer of the OSI network model.?

C. A dual-layer switch operates at the transport and data link layers of the OSI network model.?

D. A dual-layer switch operates at the data link and network layers of the OSI network model.?

E. A multilayer switch operates up to Layer 4 of the OSI network model.?

Answer: A,B,E




Which two of the following statements correctly describe service modules available for the 3560-X

and 3750-X switches? (Choose two.)

A. The C3KX-NM-10GT service module offers two 10 Gigabit Ethernet SFTP ports.?

B. The C3KX-NM-10G and the C3KX-NM-10GT service modules provide flexible netflow.?

C. The C3KX-SM-10G service module provides flexible netflow.?

D. The C3KX-SM-10G service module offers MACsec encryption at line rate.?

Answer: C,D



Which four features are provided by the Cisco AnyConnect client for Windows? (Choose four.)


B. IPsec VPN

C. host intrusion prevention system

D. presence

E. MACsec encryption

F. antivirus

G. personal firewall

H. Cisco ScanSafe integration

Answer: A,B,E,H


CertBus exam braindumps are pass guaranteed. We guarantee your pass for the 648-385 exam successfully with our Cisco materials. CertBus CXFF-Cisco Express Foundation for Field Engineers exam PDF and VCE are the latest and most accurate. We have the best Cisco in our team to make sure CertBus CXFF-Cisco Express Foundation for Field Engineers exam questions and answers are the most valid. CertBus exam CXFF-Cisco Express Foundation for Field Engineers exam dumps will help you to be the Cisco specialist, clear your 648-385 exam and get the final success.

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